31 - The Killing Of Their Fans Braincells | 12.10.2023
Msbjammin' Hey You,
All the people who have the mindset to think, it's funny on how a whole ass industry is against Me are the stupidest people.... because they don't realize that a whole ass industry is against me because I'm the Light/Truth.... while that whole ass industry is the dark who's destroying their fans braincells and is guiding those people/their fans right into the slaughter unknowingly. So they asses maybe laughing now because of that illusion that was painted in front of their eyes and at the last minute when that illusion fall completely those fans/people are going to be falling right into the slaughter with no room to turn around & or to get out. It's going to be too late.
All those people who has been cyber bullying people, cyber disrespecting people, stealing from people, copying people, lying on & about people, belittling people, becoming counterfeits of people, Stealing people content/ideas all thought their actions were funny because they were with someone whom they THOUGHT was someone with power, when in reality those people were just Cattle for those people whom they have turned evil for.
That's why those fans/people were laughing at Me before & they will Never laugh again.
Their Idol, Master, favorite celebrity, favorite "influencer"... has fucked they minds so hard.... that the people/their fans had no idea that their favorite celebrity/influencer is actually their enemy who guided they asses right to their death bed.
No More Social Media for me. I will remain on xoticy.com on xoticy.vhx.tv & monicawilsondance.com
Don't forget to repost Xoticy love for other people who Rock with you, to make a choice to come on up here in the Light of Truth & Spiritually, Mentally, emotionally & Physically gain food for their Soul.
~ Goddess Msbjammin'
Up Next in Msbjammin' Hey You,
32 - I'm Proud of You | 12.10.2023
I'm So Excited for Your To Continue To Reach Newer Levels of Your Greatness
~ Goddess Msbjammin' -
33 - Welcome To The Lanes Of Goddess ...
I'm Looking Forward To Jammin' With you in Xoticy Services & or In Front of You Soon.
~ Goddess Msbjammin' -
34 - To Tamar Braxton | 12.11.2023
Warning.... I'm Using Cuss Words cause that's how I Speak.
This video is Actually to Everyone in that stupid Ass Gang with Tamar Braxton, who's been Trying to Destroy Me, My Artistry & My Purpose & the people whom they asses been lying to. The reason this video is Addressed to Tamra Braxton, ...